Funny Phonics Kit-$19.99

The Funny Phonics Kit is based on the Funny Phonics game. This product has Free shipping in Canada.

The Funny Phonics Kit may be used to go with the lessons in the book Read a Rainbow, Write a Rainbow, or with the revised edition, Teach your child Phonics and Reading with Fun and Games by Erika Dick

Funny Phonics Kit comes in a clear plastic envelope and picture and word cards have to be cut up. All picture and word cards and  game charts are printed on heavy 14 pt. card stock, 8 1/2 x 11 inches just like the original Funny Phonics boxed game.

Funny Phonics is designed for play by one child or for a group of children or to be used at activity or play centres in the classroom by a whole class. All activity boards and cards may be reproduced for classroom or home use only. Funny Phonics may be used to teach beginning and ending sounds, vowel sounds, to introduce basic words, to tell picture stories, and to write sentences using both pictures and words. In the kit all the picture cards have word cards on the back of each picture card. This makes it easy for children to learn new words. 

Note: Important-Photocopy Phonics Flip cards before you cut them up. 

It includes:

  • two pages of instructions
  • 27 naming phonics flip cards, a picture on one side and a matching word on the back
  • 27 action phonics flip cards, a picture on one side of a monkey doing the action and a matching word on the back
  • 3 train cards 8 1/2 x 11 in. with 3 alphabet cards on the back
  • a sorting mat 8 /2 x 11 in. with a magic grid on the back
  • Twin Towers, score card, 8 1/2 x 11 in. with a magic grid on the back
  • Top Story score card, 8 1/2 x 11in. with a magic grid on the back.

Here are 10 wonderful ways to use Funny Phonics.

1-Alphabet Hop

Use one alphabet chart or all three. Object –to place cards on all squares.

To learn beginning sounds lay cards face down. As players to pick up the cards one by one, they say the action that the monkey is doing. Then they place the card on the square of the alphabet that the word starts with. Children must know the sounds for each letter in the alphabet rather than the name of the letter. Children will therefore place cards as follows: hug– H, write – W, books – B, jump – J and so forth.

2–Variations of play

Variations of play may also include rolling the dice and moving markers from bottom to top of the alphabet charts. Whatever space a player lands on he must find all the picture cards that have that starting sound. If you land on T– toys, teacher, S– swim, sleep, stop, smell etc.. Cards for this version are placed face up. The aim is to cover all the squares with picture cards. For this version players may wish to keep score using Twin Towers and markers. Dice and markers not included.

3-Phonics Flip Picture cards-many uses

Use picture cards to stimulate children to talk. Ask questions about the picture. Have children describe the picture talking about color, size, actions, and anything else they see in the picture. Picture words may also be used as story starters for creative writing. Phonics Flip Cards may also be used to make combination word and picture sentences. Print matching words for picture cards and play concentration. Player must find matching pairs of picture and word. The object is to collect the most matching pairs.

4–Other Activities

Children may also be encouraged to copy or trace letters on the alphabet chart and to find objects around the house or classroom that start with a certain letter. Post the alphabet chart in any room and play “I spy” naming something that starts with a certain letter. This is also a great game for traveling.

 5– Twin Towers

Players use buttons, coins or markers to keep score. Have players take turns reading the word on the back of the phonics flip cards. If players agree then each player moves forward one leaf until they reach the top of the castle. Twin Towers may also be used to keep score for other games.

6– Alphabet train

Alphabet train makes a great decoration. You may reproduce it and have children colour their own train. Sort cards by beginning or ending sounds and load them on the train. Sort picture cards by vowel sounds and place them on the correct railroad car. Sort word cards by vowels in words. Ask children to think of other words that may have the same of vowel sound. Sort picture cards by beginning consonants.

 7– For more advanced group play or older children

For a more advanced group play have the first player pick a word that starts with the letter a such as apples; the next player plays a word that starts with s such as skate, the next starts with E as in eggs and so on. See how long you can make your train of cards. Can one group beat another group or try to beat your own score. Players on each team may help each other.

8-Sorting wheel

Place a vowel, consonant or picture card in the Center Square. Find picture cards that have the same sound. Say the words. Or place a picture card in the center and find picture cards that rhyme with the card in the center. What other words rhyme with that word?

9-Magic grid

Photocopy several grids. Have each player use one or two grids or make a giant grid for group use. Use the grid to play alphabet train. Use the grid to make and tell a picture story. Use word and picture cards and have children add small words as they tell the story. Cut up a grid and add other words to play with. Make two word picture sentences. Then flip the cards and print the words on the back in a sentence book.

10-Use Phonics Flip cards to make an exciting Word Wall

Photocopy the Phonic Flip Cards and use them on your word wall as you introduce new sounds. Place the picture on one side beside the word on the back. Introduce action words with Max the monkey. Introduce naming words with the noun pictures.